Saturday, June 28, 2014

One step forward...fifteen steps back

Saturday afternoon, world cup is on the tv, and I'm plopped down on the couch with my laptop & book in hand. My dog is fast asleep on the couch, but probably bored and wishing I would play with her instead of having my eyes glued on my laptop! I figured now is as good of a time as any to provide another update...

I've been trying to spend as much time as possible learning how to code and working on my app. As a refresher for anybody that has been reading along, I'm working through the book "Agile Web Development with Rails 4" by Sam Ruby, Dave Thomas, & David Hansson. The book provides an in-depth tutorial in which you create an e-commerce site for a fictional customer. My issue with tutorials is that a bulk of the code you need is already in the book, so I feel it doesn't challenge you as much as I'd like. So I decided to create my own app which will allow you to add & store your favorite recipes online, and eventually I'll add a randomizer to allow you to pick a recipe at random.

I'm really hoping to spend at least 10+ hours a week studying because I'm really enjoying it. I would love to spend more time than that, but I do have a full time job & other activities that keep me pretty busy. However, there is something about typing in a few lines of code, seeing something pop up on your computer screen, and thinking to yourself - "I DID THAT!". In addition, coding involves A TON of problem solving and I always enjoy the rush of finally figuring out something that I've been stuck on!

So that leads me into the main topic of today - I was starting to feel comfortable navigating to different parts of my Rails application and being able to troubleshoot and figure out issues...and then this happened...

Thankfully I recently stumbled across a great group on Twitter called CodeNewbie that has been extremely beneficial! It was started by Saron (@saronyitbarek) and Carlos (@carlosplusplus) and it's a great community of developers and developers in training that are always there to help out. I posted a screen shot and within 15 minutes already had a response from @carlosplusplus!

The answer ultimately ended up being me starting my app over, but I really wasn't that far in and it took me maybe 15 minutes to get everything back to the point I was previously at! Here's a screenshot of the current state of my app from the web browser:

Overall, it's a ton of fun every time I get to sit down and learn a little more about coding, even if it is a step forward and a few steps back sometimes. I'm very fortunate that I get to sit around close to 200 very talented Software Engineers at CareerBuilder and I can ask for help on an almost daily basis.

Hopefully in the very near future I'll have some good updates and screenshots of how my apps coming along. In the meantime, if you have any advice, words of encouragement, or are interested in hearing about a certain topic - please feel free to comment or email me at  I'm hoping at least one person out there finds this blog interesting or gets some value out of it :)

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